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But why accept the theory?
Moral Disengagement Questionnaire
To what extent would you agree that ...
It is alright to beat someone who bad mouths your family. (Moral Justification)
It is okay to tell small lies because they don't really do any harm. (Distorting Consequences)
Some people deserve to be treated like animals. (Dehumanization)
Kids who get mistreated usually do things that deserve it. (Attribution of Blame)
(Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996)
Moral Disengagement Questionnaire
32 items, 4 per process
Statistically, a single factor could be regarded as responsible for subjects’ responses on all items.
This factor correlated significantly with antisocial behaviour (and not with socioeconomic factors)
(Bandura et al., 1996)
Further Studies
moral disengagement in the United States before and after the September 11th terrorist strike (McAlister, Bandura, & Owen, 2006)
Moral disengagement appears to be a valid and useful construct.
Why Is Moral Disengagement Relevant?